WIRED vol.41 2021
Anandaloy got featured in the Japanese Magazin WIRED. Finde more about it here!
PARNASS - KunstMagazin
Find us in the special edition of PARNASS magazine about Vienna Biennale for Change 2021. Get your copy here!
DAB - Deutsches Architektenblatt - May 2021
Find us in the article "Grüne Architektur oder grüne Märchen?" by Christian Welzbacher
Get your catalogue here!
An Architecture Guide to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals
Check Anandaloy project and several other good ones here!
SPACE January 2021
Get your own copy here!
Raising the Roof
Check the new book from Agata Toromanoff here!
Frauen in der Architektur
Get your book here!
DOMUS Korea Spring 2021
Check the new Domus Korea here!
Bauwelt 2.2021
by Kaye Geipel and Jan Friedrich, page 11
Vogue January-February 2021
Article on page 207
DOMUS January 2021
Filtered light - Article about the Anandaloy Centre (p22 till 27)
Lilli Green
AJ Climate Champions podcast
An interview of Anna Heringer by Hattie Hartman and her co-host George Morgan
L'ÉCHO DE la baie nº 138
Article in page 63
ORIS 126
Check the new article by Nina Granda in page 112
Article about Anandaloy in the mexican TVstation TVP
Architekturjournal Wettbewerbe
"Call to action" by Susanne Karr
Sufraces Reporter
Archello 1707 Anandaloy
Quaint Mind
Heringer's Anandaloy, A Community Center Wins OBEL AWARD 2020
Archidaily x Anna Heringer
Discover our projects in Archidaily recent publications by María Francisca González:
ubm magazin
Article about the Obel Award by the ubm magazin
Outsider #23
Stir world
Studio Anna Heringer builds a ‘birthing room’ prototype in Vorarlberg, Austria
by Anmol Ahuja Published on : Oct 05, 2020
WAC Interview with Anna Heringer
gooood x Anna Heringer
gooood Interview NO.27 by Ningxin Cheng
Cradle Magazin
Buchvorstellung: ‚Pflanzenfaserarchitektur heute‘
by Dominique Gauzin-Müller
14. Sep 2020
El País
Arquitectura: Arquitectura, ¿adónde vas?
by Anatxu Zabalbeascoa
12. Sep 2020, 13:24 CEST
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Grüner wohnen
by Gerhard Matzig
13. August 2020, 17:44 Uhr
Für Anna Heringer ist "der Hausbau zugleich der Bau an der Gemeinschaft". Im Kern ist ihr ökologisches Bauen also eigentlich ein soziologisches und politisches Bauen.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly
Issue 16 Ausgabe 04 / 2020.
ioArch One Earth
Special Issue May 2020.
Terra Materia
Article by Dominique Gauzin-Müller about Earthen Architecture, February 2020.
The Architectural Review
Ausgabe 01/2020
M, Le Magazin du Monde
January 2020, N433 Page 61.
Oskar von Miller Forum - Jahrbuch 2018/19
Page 56-59
Sueddeutsche Zeitung
Our Sustainability Campus in Bavaria for St. Michael in the Regional Newspaper.
Habiter la terre
Autor: Jean Dethier
512 pages - 249 x 317 mm
Color - Hardcover full laminated paper
ISBN : 978208144281
Publik-Forum 22/11/2019
Die Zerreißprobe
Datum 11/201
"Sealed world.
Concrete is everywhere. He is the most common and climate-damaging building material. What is the alternative?"
Architecture en fibres végétales d'aujourd'hui
Author: Dominique Gauzin-Müller
Housing, equipment or activity buildings, the 50 bio-based buildings described in this book were chosen from among the 226 candidates for the FIBRA Award, the world’s first prize for contemporary plant fibre architecture with Anna Heringer as president of the jury.
Outsider #19
Interview with Anna Heringer
"Anna Heringer: ethics before aesthetics
The use of local know-how, participatory building processes, and working on a small scale are key elements in work by this German architect"www.domusweb.it
Columbus Travel - Oct/Nov
Iterview with Anna Heringer from Columbus Travel Magazine.
Upscaling Earth - Material, Process, Catalyst
Anna Heringer, Lindsay Blair Howe, Martin Rauch
2019. 16 x 21 cm, softcover
ca. 170 pages, ca. 100 illustrations
ISBN 978-3-85676-393-0
ca. 34.00 CHF / 30.00 EUR English Designed by Philippe Mouthonwww.verlag.gta.arch.ethz.ch
Domus EcoWorld, the UN goals in practice
"Working as an architect and a teacher, over the years Heringer has developed a holistic vision of architecture that respects people and the environment. Seeing the practice as a tool "to build knowledge instead of waste," her projects act as a sort of acupuncture at the socio-economic level."
Domus 100+ (2019)
"The guide comprises 110 profiles of the world's most innovative architecture practices. Driven not by status or number of completed projects - though prolific figures naturally feature among the nominations - the offices are selected by the 10 past editors of Domus, alongside its current one, to give a snapshop of architecture around the world today."
STIR digital platform
"An exemplar for local-meets-global, Studio Anna Heringer designs three hostels in China creating climate effective, locally sustainable and natural buildings."
Domus - Poverty
Critical Care: Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet
Das Buch enthaelt alle 21 Case Studies sowie 12 Essays von internationalen Autor-innen zu den Themen Arbeit, Oekonomie und Oekologie in der Architektur.
Reportage | 24/08/2018
Anlasslich seines 1000-jahrigen Jubilaums bekommt der Wormser Dom ein ganz besonderes Geschenk: Einen neuen Altar, geformt aus Lehm und alle Katholiken in Worms sind dazu aufgerufen, mitzumachen www.domradio.de
Wormser Zeitung | 08/2018
Der neue Altar im Wormser Dom ist fertiggestellt. Er ist das Glanzstuck der ganzen Gemeinde - denn viele Menschen haben mitgeholfen, das Werk aus Lehm zu vollenden.
COVER 52 | 09/2018
Evolve-magazin n.19 | 07-09/2018
"Anna Heringer baut moderne Hauser aus Lehm"
Architektur.Aktuell | 07/2018
Floornature | 07/2018
"A project that brings together traditional building materials like clay with Bangladeshi fabrics and an Austrian enterprise. The project for the Omicron spaces was generated by the collaboration between Studio Anna Heringer and Martin Rauch's Lehm Ton Erde"
Designboom | 06/2018
"at the 2018 venice architecture biennale, german architect anna heringer has created an installation that brings attention to the plight of female textile workers in bangladesh"
Bengal Stream | 12/2017
Exibition catalogue
Diesseits der Form | 11/2017
" Es ist doch ein archaisches Grundbedurfnis des Menschen, gebraucht werden zu wollen. Das gilt fur alle Menchen. Jedes kind mochte schon gebraucht werden und hilft sofort, wenn es eine Gelegenheit dazu sieht. Wenn man Architektur in diesem Sinne wirken lassen kann, dann hat man sehr, sehr starke Energhie auf seiner Seite. "
" Anna Heringer was one of the 12 architects invited to built habitable structures from bamboo for the occasion of the Inaugural Bamboo Biennale in 2016 in the Village of Baoxi, China "
Format: Book
Pages: 208
Publisher: Materia Exibitions B.V.
Arquitectura Viva | 08/2017
" The Bamboo architecture Biennale fully interpreted the concept of 'the spirit of a place and rural construction' through a genuine construction process in which bamboo is chosen as the ideal material. "
Taiwan architect | 07/2017
Architektur fachmagazine | 04/2017
" Warum nicht den prozess des Bauens in diese Gegenden der Welt einmal andersherum betrachten und als ein Lernen von Entwicklungslandern sehen? "
TECH21 | 03/03/2017
Interview on earth constructions with Anna Heringer, Martin Rauch, Roger Boltshauser and Jerry Hoskyn.
The Architecture Review | 01/03/2017
" Bamboo has a fragile form of beauty, but in reality, in terms of tensile capacity, culms are stronger than steel "
online article by Joana Lazarova
Mark 66 - Cloud Nine | 02/2017
" Overlooking the river, Heringer's three structures are influenced by the history of the place. Each building features a central core, built of stone and rammed earth, enclosed by a beautifully crafted bamboo network structure. "
Domus - Deutsche Ausgabe 023 | 02/2017
" Anna Heringer verwirklichte im Rahmen einer internationalen Bambus-Architekturbiennale in einem chinesischen Dorf drei Hostels. Als grosse skulpturale Objekte stehen sie inmitten von weiteren Werken, die mit lokalen Materialien wie Bambus, Stein und Stampflehm erstellt wurden. "
Introducing Architectural Tectonics: Exploring the Intersection of Design and Construction | 01/2017
" Anna heringer's description of beauty goes beyond meeting utilitarian need. Her definition rises to fulfilling the aspirations of culture, community self-confidence, and environmental stability. "
Format: Book
Pages: 348
Publisher: Routledge
World Architecture - Martin Rauch: He is Rammed Earth Architecture | 01/2017
" Invited by Alejandro Aravena, curator of the 15th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Anna Heringer, Martin Rauch, and Andres Lepik decided to put mud in the focus of their installation. "
Interior Matters - SOLID | 12/2016
Essay of Anna Heringer and Lindsay Howe Blair featuring projects of Studio Anna Heringer and Martin Rauch/ Lehm Ton Erde
Lotus 160 - Architectural Turn | 10/2016
" From her first project in 2005 [...] to her recent participation in the Venice Biennale, the importance of earth as a construction material and the involvement of communities in the realization of projects have been constant features of her research. "
Metalocus - A floating cave | 07/10/2016
" Omicrom Monolith takes her exploration on the earth construction potential to an extreme level, generating a surprising complex that is worth taking a look. Do you know any first-world building with such a special interior atmosphere? "
Savoir & faire: la terre | 10/2016
" Quel que soit le projet, il faut en multiplier les consequences par 7 milliards d'individus et en analyser les repercussions. "
Format: Book
Pages: 464
Publisher: Actes sud
Architektur Aktuell - La Biennale di Venezia | 09/2016
" It smells good, emanates a feeling of protection and muffles sounds from outside. Clay is a material that touches one emotionally and this is one of the most reliable and fundamental cruiteria for the quality of architecture. "
Intelligente Architektur | 07-09/2016
AH: (...) systems are changing. And at some point there is no other way, because climate change affects us all and doesn't differentiate either.
ML: At the moment it does seem as if there are some differential impacts; for example, severe weather attributable to climate change, especially floods, often wreak the greatest damage in the poorer countries. While it is cynical, global warming also destroys future markets for multinationals. Perhaps it brings them to their senses.
Download full article with Moni Lauster (Transsolar), Friedrich Dassler (xia) and Anna Heringer
VISO (CH) - Architektur Gender und Arbeiten | 06/2016
The Architectural Review | 03/2016
Women in Architecture
Open House 2 - Design Criteria for a New Architecture | 07/2016
" For Anna Heringer, architecture is a tool to improve lives. [...] The METI School and the DESI Training center testify to this in a wonderful way "
Format: Book
Pages: 248
Publisher: Jovis
Cosentino presents C Magazine #02, a publication targeted to architects and designers. Pages 61-71.
Arquitectura Viva - Dossier Anna Heringer
Three Hostels, Baoxi (China)
Kindergarten for the PORET Community, Chaseyama (Zimbabwe)
Training Center for Sustainability, Marrakech (Morocco)
HOMEmade Family Houses, Rudrapur (Bangladesh)
Monopol-Magazin fur Kunst und leben 04/2014
Word Architecture Magazine, China
Youth Hostels Longquan, 12/2013
Erneuerte Tradition: Lehmbau in Bangladesh und Marokko, 211/212
Architektur Aktuell
Mission Made Possible, Cordula Rau, 04/2013
Berufsschule in Rudrapur, 12/2012
Sustainable Beauty, Anna Heringer interview by ARCHIsquad, Nr.76,2012
Financial Times
Mud World by Avantika Chilkoti, 19/10/2012
Wall Street Journal
Architektur aktuell
Earthworks on the shores of the Traunsee, Claudia Rinne, , Austria, No 368, 11,2010
Trans 17
The Architektural Review
Out of the ordinary, Paul Finch, 12,2008
The Architecutural Review
Architektur und Bauforum
Architecture for a better world, Kwon Mi-ju, Korea, 12.2009
Harvard Design Magazine
Global Architecture by Kenneth Frampton,29 2008.9
School in Rudrapur, Japan, July 2007
Architecture and Design
This is Not a Building! Handmaking a School in a Bangladeshi Village, Kazi Ashraf, India 11/2007
Bamboo and clay, Rita Capezzuto, Italy, 908., 09/2007
FUTUREARC, 4th quarter 2008/ vol. 11
HOME-made family houses by Anna Heringer
Aga Khan Award 10th Circle
German Architecture Annual
Serie 2007 - 4 - Cost-Effective Buildings
Der Spiegel 21/09/2007
Architecture for a Better Muslim World by Erich Follath
The Daily Star, 18/10/2008
DESI - another clay-bamboo building opens in Dinajpur
Interview im Bauforum 12/2008
Architectural Review 12/2006
AR Emerging Architecture Award - Earth Works
The Daily Star - Weekend Magazine (Bangladesh)
Architectural and Environmental Genius
Architektur Aktuell, 10/ 2006
Bauwelt 32/2006
Flair 09/2006
The Daily Star, 05/11/2007
Bamboo-clay house earns prestigious Aga Khan award
Der Standard, 09/03/2008
Visionen haben immer Saison